What is a Lightworker?

On a more Spiritual level …

On a ‘regular’ level …

A Lightworker is someone who:

  • Feels a pull towards helping others.

  • Has a strong sense of compassion and empathy.

  • Is intuitive, open-minded and very self-aware.

  • Isn’t only focused on the “light”… they also acknowledge, face and work on the dark part of life, the inner demons that need work.

  • Often choose a profession where they can support, guide and help others, such as: teaching, nursing, coaching, veterinary services, etc.


Many Lightworkers believe we are all inter-connected, that each of us are born for a purpose, that our souls chose to live this particular life, at this particular time.

Lightworkers have made a conscious decision to follow what lights them up, and to light up their little part of the world in the process.

Lightworkers listen to their soul, in order to live in alignment with their higher purpose.

If you’re interested in more on this topic, feel free to contact me, and I can recommend some books and point to you to some useful websites.

Sending you love, light and peace for a wonderful day x